The vineyards owned by the Sokolov Zamak winery are located on the southern slopes of Fruška Gora, while the northern rims descend towards the Danube. The unique Fruška Gora climate creates ideal conditions for the cultivation and development of international grape varieties from which we produce wines with a unique and distinctive taste …

It is believed that the vineyards of Fruška Gora were created thanks to the Roman emperor Mark Aurelius Probus. During the Roman Empire, he spent six years in Srem, where he leaves his indelible mark on Fruška Gora, since he was the first one that planted the vine …

Manufacture of wines
S obzirom na upotrebnu vrednost, sorte se pre svega dele na vinske i stone. Vinske sorte se dele na sorte za bela vina i sorte za crna vina. Vinske sorte se prema kvalitetu vina koje se od njih dobija mogu podeliti na više grupa …